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topic areas: |
Business Storytelling
A Matter of Facts: Three Steps for Keeping Audiences Riveted When Talking About Data
One of the greatest challenges many of us face in our work is how to storify data. This article explains the benefits of turning data into a story and gives tips on how to do so.
The Best-Kept Secret in Business Today
In recent years, organizations have used a variety of cost cutting
measures to address the downturn in business. This has resulted
in far fewer workers being pushed to work harder and to produce
more. It is no surprise that employee stress and frustration have
greatly heightened. Imagine the impact this is having on their
ability to learn, retain, and recall critical information. Check
out this article to find out what you can do to handle this situation.
163KB |
Beyond Testimonials: How to Unearth Great Member Stories
Discover What Stories can Bring to
There are multiple applications for story use in safety, as
evidenced from these examples from the Spokane Research Laboratory
at the National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety,
Lockheed Martin, and the Veterans Administration National Center.
Learn in this article what makes stories effective in this environment.
337KB |
Five Ways to Use Stories to Make a Point
Ever wonder how to best communicate an idea? Or reinforce
a core company value? Or introduce a key business concept?
Why is it that we often rely on email, reports, or PowerPoint
slides to relay critical information to others? Our lives
are full of stories. Yet, while they are integral to our conversations
with family and friends, they often are not strategically used
in the workplace. Check out this article to learn five reasons
you need to add more stories to your daily work communications.
135KB |
Getting Business Results Through Storytelling
Mary wants to sell more services but her proposals are not being
selected. Diane has purchased a business and needs to get employees
to embrace her leadership. Nancy is president of a company in
need of significant change. In this article, youll discover
how these three women use stories to address their situations.
136KB |
Getting the Most From a Good Story
Trainers often overlook the possibility of using stories they
have collected in advance to enhance the training experience,
even though many do use stories spontaneously in their presentations.
This article delves into the use of stories in training, what
makes a story effective, story selection, and their presentation.
The authors explore the many places where stories can be found
and how they can shape the design of a training session or be
used to enhance or elaborate on specific content. 195KB |
How Do You Keep the Right People on the Bus?
Try Stories 91KB |
Let It Grow, Let It Grow, Let It Grow: Gaining Members Through Telling Stories
Imagine you are part of one of four field experiments. The experiments are not important. What matters
is the envelope you are given afterward. In each envelope are five, one-dollar bills and a letter from a charity requesting an anonymous donation. The first letter highlights the organization and data surrounding its relief programs. The second letter is only a story about the plight of a young girl and the difference the organizations services made in her life. The third letter combines the story with the data. Which letter triggered the most monies? 850KB |
Making the Intangible Tangible:
Using Future Stories to Translate Strategy into Action 345KB
The Missing Tool in Training
How often have you taught someone a new skill, behavior or concept
and sensed the person did not really learn it? It is an ongoing
challenge given that people are distracted by myriad priorities.
While case studies, experiential activities, simulations, and
role-plays can mitigate this challenge, using well-constructed,
compelling stories at predetermined moments during training can
also significantly benefit the learning process. Learn how to
do so in this article. 79KB |
Story Time
Stories in the credit union industry are a cultural tradition,
according to Mike Beall. They have been used effectively in a
variety of functions for many years. Learn from six individuals
and organizations in the credit union movement about how stories
are being used in new employee orientation, training, sales and
marketing, fund development, development education, and government
affairs. 951KB |
Strategic Storytelling 4.23MB |
Telling Tales at the Office
Why tell stories in business? Who tells stories in business? What Makes an effective story? When are stories used in business? What is the best way to present a story? All these questions are discussed in this article that appeared in the February 2015 issue of Toastmaster. 192MB |
Ten Narrative Forms: The Price We Pay to Get Results 173KB |
There are Five Sides to Every Story 83KB |
Timeless Tips for Telling Stories 71KB |
What Makes a Story a Story 73KB |
When Communication Matters: Say It With a Story™
Studies by the Gallup Organization (First, Break All the Rules,
Simon & Schuster, 1999) and Towers Perrin (2003 Talent Report)
show many employees are only moderately engaged in their work.
Not surprisingly, this level of disengagement negatively impacts
employee productivity, loyalty, and retention and overall company
profitability and customer satisfaction. This issue especially
challenges human resource departments. Learn how Jim Stead, chief
development officer for Utah Community Credit Union; Karen Dietz,
Ph.D., a folklorist with Polaris Associates LLC and executive
director of the National Storytelling Network; and Marcy Fisher,
former vice president of Organization Development and Human Resources
for Shell Technology Ventures, Inc. have used stories to answer
these questions. 380KB |
When Do I Get to Tell Stories as a Sales Professional? 413KB |
Whose Stories Really Matter In Prospecting? 388KB |
Winning Customers Through Story: A New Take 153KB |
Customers & Consumers
Customers or Consumers? Focus or Obsession?
Creating value is the primary objective of a business. While quality
is a business necessity, it is not the primary objective of a
business. There are several implications from this shift in thinking.
First, there is a difference between a customer and a consumer.
Consumers are end users while customers may only transform an
intermediary output into something different. To create value,
enterprises must ultimately be concerned with the end users
requirements. Second, creating value implies being obsessed with
the consumer. Both customer responsiveness and customer focus
are not enough. Obsession means being out in front of the marketplace.
Described here are four types of activities that organizations
are engaging in to create an atmosphere of consumer obsession.
63KB |
Customers: Responsiveness, Focus or Obsession?
Customer responsiveness. Customer focus. Customer obsession. Which
one is the most important of the three? What if I told you that
none of them is most important. From my perspective, all three
of them are critical to running a business and to achieving customer
satisfaction and delight. So what do they mean? And why are they
important to your organization? 30KB |
Improve Service With a Story
Even in organizations that pride themselves on customer relations,
service problems still occur with external customers. Why is this?
This article covers three potential challenges facing these organizations
and how communications plays a role in each of them. It suggests
storytelling as a tool for more effectively conveying customer
service principles, behaviors, and attitudes. 380KB |
Enterprise-wide Change
Facilitating Large-scale Change Through Leadership Coaching
The intricacy and speed of organizational life often force a company
to make large-scale changes rapidly. This in turn requires leaders
to quickly develop new leadership proficiencies and may require
new attitudes and leadership styles. Few leaders have the time
or patience to sit through leadership training courses, and training
without orchestrated follow-up has not proven to be the most effective
way to change behavior. How then can organizations implement the
kinds of large-scale change they need to stay competitive in a
rapidly changing market? For many companies who face this
common challenge, a significant part of the answer is leadership
coaching. 347KB |
Key Considerations in Organizational Change
The ability to lead and manage change is a fundamental part of
todays business world. The challenge is to prepare for tomorrow
while continuing to do what is required in the immediate moment
to remain competitive. Dick Beckhard and Rueben Harris describe
a change formula (attributed to David Gleicher) that is useful
when addressing organizational change. In order for change to
take place, the following equation must hold true: Change = (Dissatisfaction)(Vision)(First
Steps) > Resistance. All three elements dissatisfaction, vision,
and first steps must be in place and must be greater than the
resistance that is present in order for change to occur. 32KB |
Organizational Architecture: A Framework for Successful
Few organizations have truly developed a framework (i.e., organizational
architecture) that ensures successful performance in an environment
of accelerated change and heightened competition. This paper overviews
the purpose of organizational architecture. Particular emphasis
is given to a step-by-step approach an organization can take to
discover or create its own organizational architecture. It also
discusses how to use the new architecture and concludes
by identifying the leadership qualities critical to its creation.
115KB |
Planning for Organizational Transformation: A Method for
New and Existing Total Quality Management Efforts
When most organizations embark on a total quality effort they
tend to leap before they look. Sometimes a brief assessment
and selection of a quality philosophy occurs prior to management
training. Management then starts several problem solving teams
to quickly reap the benefits of its initial investment.
Not surprisingly, 12 to 18 months later the organizations
initiative stalls out. Spending time planning for organizational
transformation is critical to integrating quality into an organizations
work. In addition, knowing what specifically needs to be planned
is as important as scheduling time for planning. Whether you are
part of an organization whose efforts have stalled or are just
embarking on a performance improvement journey, the steps and
the content of planning for transformation are similar. 80KB |
Preparing for Growth 1.71KB |
Using Real Time Strategic Change for Strategy Implementation
There is no question that some form of strategic planning is key
to an organizations future performance. However, there are
several challenges to implementing this type of planning in an
organization. Large group interventions are one set of methods
for addressing these challenges. This paper outlines the key characteristics
behind different types of large group interventions. In addition,
it describes the framework for creating a Real Time Strategic
Change intervention and the necessary elements for using this
approach in your organization.
83KB |
Personal Development
Aligning Ourselves to Achieve Our True Potential
Our work causes us to have a keen sense of what is meant by the
term alignment. Often we are catalysts for encouraging
enterprises to discover and align their mission, vision, and values
to their strategies, processes, policies, leadership decisions
and human resource plans. There is, however, another view of alignment;
one that is more personal in nature. It is centered on our approach
to life—our source of energy, our greatest lessons in life,
our gifts, our needs and desires, our personal values, our life
purpose and what may be stopping us. Here, too, we must work actively
inside ourselves to discover, align and integrate. 134KB |
Are You Credible? 1.07MB |
Consulting: Hobby or Serious Business Endeavor?
824KB |
How Did I Get Here? 6.29MB |
If Theres a Loss of Cabin Pressure... 622KB |
I Know What I Want. How Do I Get It? 960KB |
Living Life With Passion 794KB |
Right Place, Right Time? Not! 541KB |
Taking Charge: Responding to Poor Customer Service 3.38MB |
The True Power of Silence137KB |
What Does It Take to Manage Up? 130KB |
Which Matters More: Respect or Liking? 2.24MB |
Project Management
Why You Need to Know Project Management
Most of the work in todays organizations has become projectized.
Reflect on your own work. How many projects do you lead and/or
participate in on a regular basis? Now reflect again. What
have you done recently to enhance your project management skills?
For the past two years I have been actively involved in two university-based
project management certificate programs. This experience has made
me realize how critical it is for an organization to follow a
formal, disciplined approach to project management. 134KB |
The SHIFT from Quality to Value
Critical SHIFT: Book Summary 857KB |
Critical SHIFT: Business Book Review 238KB |
How the Q Lost Its Tail 280KB |
Making the SHIFT Happen in Your Organization
Today, organizations must continually improve their overall performance
and the concepts, tools, and methods of quality are but one approach
for doing so. In the process, the Q has lost its tail—total
quality management has become total organizational management.
Learn what four individuals say is needed in order for this SHIFT
to occur. 11KB |
Quality Managers: Are You Ready for the Future?
Technology, strategy, and marketing efforts are beginning to inquire
about what is needed to truly grow companies and, at the same
time, simultaneously provide ongoing value to customers, employees,
shareholders, and society at large. Are the efforts of Quality
Managers focused on the same? 11KB |
Quality Today: Recognizing the Critical SHIFT
7.7MB |
Shifting Quality From Add-On Work to the Way
You Do Business
How can organizations transition from quality as add-on
work to quality as the way they do business? This paper
will describe specific things companies can do and issues they
must address in order to achieve this paradigm shift. 19KB |
The New Reality: The Q Has Lost Its Tail
Many people believe the quality movement is dead. They claim it
did not produce bottom-line results. But, is it really dead?
Or, has it gone through a profound metamorphosis which is only
now becoming apparent? 72KB |
Where Will They Fit In?
Those who once thought the quality professional had a promising
career now wonder if this path leads to professional obscurity
or oblivion. In order to predict the quality professionals
future, it is necessary to answer two key questions: What is motivating
these changes? Where will todays quality professional
fit in? 1.9MB |
Strategic Planning
Can You Plan for the Future?
In the past, organizations did not question the need for long
range planning. Today, Im often asked if the future can
be sketched with any degree of certainty, given the myriad changes
in the marketplace. My answer is still yes, however
how these efforts are carried out has changed. For example: organizations
used to take months to put together a strategic plan. Now this
work is often accomplished in a few weeks, with the involvement
of more people than just senior leadership. Perfection is not
as important as getting a plan in place and deploying it faster
than competitors. Although cycle time has shortened and scope
of involvement has increased, what hasn't changed is the overall
strategic planning framework that needs to be employed. 36KB |
From Vision to Action: Taking Policy Management to the Work
Group Level
Even though strategic planning has been around for most of this
century, few organizations really use it to plant and nurture
the seeds of tomorrows success. They are continually drawn
to the demands of the present and unfortunately, ignore the requirements
of the future. This presentation covers strategic planning using
an approach called policy management. This approach ensures that
a customer-oriented vision is developed and that daily activities
are linked to breakthrough strategies to ensure the organization
realizes its vision. Its success in helping firms to gain a competitive
advantage in their marketplace has been proven in a variety of
industries. 108KB |
Getting the Insights You Need to Thrive in a Downturn Economy
89KB |
Helping Organizations to Innovate
I recently read Gary Hamels latest book, Leading the Revolution
where he describes the role that radical innovation has in an
organization. While no one may question standardization and continual
improvement initiatives, which often are necessitated by the need
to cut costs and improve quality, organizations also need to create
new value for stakeholders through innovation of products, services,
and processes/systems. This is not an either/or proposition. Innovation
is as much a daily activity as other sorts of business improvement
36KB |
Making the Intangible Tangible:
Using Future Stories to Translate Strategy into Action 345KB
Preparing for Growth 1.71KB |
Seven Strategic Planning Myths You Should Shatter
178KB |
Using Total Quality Tools for Marketing Research: A Qualitative
Approach for Collecting, Organizing, and Analyzing Verbal Response
This paper introduces several tools that are useful in the planning
of marketing research, as well as in the collection, organization,
and analysis of qualitative marketing research data. After outlining
a gap in the marketing researchers capability to analyze
verbal data, the 7 Management and Planning Tools are presented
as the means for addressing this gap. The purpose(s) of each tool
are identified relative to their application in marketing research.
The paper concludes with a discussion on how these tools can be
combined to provide more thorough planning and even richer insight
into collected data. 287KB |
Want to Grow Your Business?
Today, it is more important than ever to reflect on some basics:
the mission, vision, market strategy, values, and guiding principles
of your organization. These basics are the cornerstone of the
development of a business plan which will take your organization
into new areas of work and allow it to meet the needs of customers
you would like to be yours in the future. They are also key to
retaining good employees over time. Where do you start? 173KB |
Changing the Way We Do Business: A Model for Consensus Decision-making
4.8MB |
Coaching Process Improvement Teams
Put a group of people in a room with a problem to solve. Give
them a basic method for problem solving and they will solve the
problem. Right? Not always. 167KB |
Ensuring Success: A Model for Self-managed Teams
Over the past few years, there has been a lot of talk about the
benefits of self-managed teams (also known as self-directed teams,
natural teams, or semiautonomous work groups). 378KB |
Training & Speaking
SEDUCE: An Effective Approach to Experiential Learning
We all know the value of experiential learning. Participants typically
walk away with increased knowledge and skill retention as well
as an enjoyable classroom experience. Yet, frequently, workshop
designers and instructors do not employ a methodology that utilizes
experiential learning in such a manner that realizes these outcomes.
The SEDUCE approach to discovery learning creates
an environment where learners realize, for themselves, what they
need to know and/or do differently. This article describes, in
detail, the five steps of the SEDUCE approach. 626KB |
Tips on Hiring the Best Speakers for Your Meeting
You may have attended a conference where there were keynote speakers
or be responsible for hiring them to speak to your company or
a professional association. In either case, we expect speakers
to deliver an enlightening message with great passion. But sometimes
this does not occur. If you hire professional speakers, there
are several things you can do to heighten the possibility of a
successful experience for both you and the participants. 8KB |
Training as a Strategic Imperative
How committed is your organization to employee learning and development?
How much does it desire an increase in profits? These two
questions are not separate business issues. 198KB |
Workplace of the Future
Are Free Agents Catching You by Surprise?
Whats going on in the world of work? Free agents. Highly
skilled individuals who are committed to themselves and their
skills, who freely roam from company to company, project to project,
assignment to assignment, adding value along the way until they
discover a better opportunity to contribute down the road. They
believe in themselves and what they have to offer. They are convinced
that work should be fun, personal, and meaningful. As an employer,
its in your best interest to understand and embrace this
shift in thinking. It is not going to go away. 29.9KB |
Social Responsibility for the Future
Traditional ways of measuring organizational success have focused
on productivity and profit. But with accelerated change, organizational
success and wealth is being redefined to include intellectual
capital (the sum total of individual and organizational knowledge
available in the firm) and social accounting (the companys
contributions to global responsibility and the health of the planet).
What is causing this increased interest in social responsibility
and accountability? 33.4KB |
The Role of Spirit in the Workplace
In January, 1999, I attended the Rose Bowl football game in Anaheim,
CA. My favorite college team-the Wisconsin Badgers-were playing
the UCLA Bruins. The score was close. Late in the fourth quarter,
Badger fans cheered louder than ever before, upsetting the opponent
team and causing its quarterback to become unsettled. He had several
bad plays that resulted in turning the ball over to the Badgers.
When it became apparent that the Badgers were going to win, I
saw fans everywhere slapping each other on the back, hugging each
other with great pride, and crying tears of joy. It was the most
glorious sporting moment of my life. Back home I wondered about
the role this sense of spirit could have in the workplace. 34.3KB |
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