BUY These Products from Partners for Progress
Here is a
brief description of each of the items that you can purchase from
Partners for Progress. To place an order, go to the order
form or click on the order symbols.
Book: Critical SHIFT: The Future of
Quality in Organizational Performance
Order Here 
Over the
past 15 years organizations have embraced numerous initiatives
such as total quality, knowledge management, reengineering, lean
manufacturing, 360° feedback, self-directed teams, and the
like in order to improve their performance. Not all have met the
expectations of those who have undertaken them. So, what approaches
are required to create value in the future?
SHIFT: The Future of Quality in Organizational Performance
introduces The Starburst Model™, an innovative and practical
management tool that guides organizations in achieving and maintaining
improved levels of performance today and well into the 21st century.
This powerful new tool, which incorporates data on five critical
forces impacting the workplace of the future, is the focal point
of Critical SHIFT.
and The Starburst Model™ fuse insights and observations
drawn from interviews conducted with dozens of well-regarded leaders
and performance experts across the USA, and the authors
extensive analysis of published documentation on what does and
doesnt work in performance improvement. This must-have resource
will show you how to align and accelerate improvement efforts
to achieve bottom-line results. |
Workbook: Eight Stage Approach for Developing
a Current Reliable Method Order Here 
Many people
believe that continual improvement or problem solving is the place
to start when work groups or cross-functional teams begin to study
work processes. Only within the past decade have our eyes been
opened to the possibility that effective quality improvement can
only occur after the standardized approach for doing the work
and its associated measurement plan have been put in place. In
other words, standardization appears to be a prerequisite to being
able to improve, re-engineer a process or system, or solve a problem.
This workbook provides a systematic approach to standardization that starts
with the identification of a work process and ends with the creation
of a current reliable method for doing the work that meets customers
requirements. If you follow this step-by-step approach, we believe
that you will align your employees around a common method for
performing the work and achieve hidden gains in process performance
and customer satisfaction. |
Workbook: Eight Stage Approach for Continual
Improvement Order Here 
When working
to improve a situation, many groups fall prey to using problem
solving as the method of analysis. However, if there is no problem
to be solved, and merely a desire to achieve increased gains in
performance, problem solving will not work. What is needed instead
is a method for uncovering improvement opportunities and putting
them into action.
This workbook
provides a systematic approach to continual improvement that begins
with framing and documenting the opportunity and moves to generating
and selecting from a variety of improvement options. If you follow
this step-by-step approach, we believe you will recognize regular
and continual gains in performance that will impact the bottom
line. |
Workbook: Eight Stage Approach for Innovation
Order Here 
Today, what
appears to be missing in many organizations is a systematic approach
to product/service and system innovation that can be employed
by anyone in the enterprise. Without such an approach, organizations
will not be equipped to respond to the myriad of competitor issues
and hidden consumer wants and needs. Innovation revolves around
actions that are taken to satisfy undiscovered market wants and
needs by actualizing new (i.e., not currently existing) product/service,
system, or market concepts.
This workbook
provides a systematic approach to innovation that starts with
discovering hidden market wants and needs, and ends with the successful
delivery of a new product(s)/service(s), system(s), or market(s).
If you follow this step-by-step approach, we believe that you
will be able to create new growth potential for your organization. |
Workbook: Tools for Process Management
Order Here 
This workbook
provides you with the basic tools that are commonly used in process
management—standardization, continual improvement, and problem
solving. It covers the following eight tools (and their variations):
- Flowcharts
(linear, integrated, and input-output);
- Checklists
(also referred to as checksheets);
- Pareto
- Run charts;
- Histograms;
- Control
charts (p charts, np charts, c charts, u charts, individual
and Moving Range charts, and x and R charts);
- Scatter
diagrams; and
- Cause
and effect diagrams.
Within each
tool section, you will find the purpose of the tool; guidelines
for when to use the tool; at least one example of the tool; instructions
for constructing the tool; tips on collecting data for the tool;
and tips on interpreting the completed tool. |
Workbook: How to Identify the Titles of
Work Processes—A Coachs Guide Order
Here is a
step-by step guide you can use with any work group in an organization
to identify the work processes that fall under the responsibility
of the group. The results of this work can be used to initiate
work process prioritization, as the basis for work process standardization
(for use in process management or ISO efforts), and to create
a comprehensive map of how the organization operates as an entire
system. |
Videotape: The Keys to Cultivating Enterprise-wide
(September, 2000; 90 minutes) Order
When changes
are introduced in an organization, they typically impact more
areas than anyone initially anticipates. Consequently, deadlines
get pushed out, projected costs increase, and frustration mounts.
Quite often, the benefits of the change are never truly realized.
One challenge that enterprises face is that organization-wide
change cannot be spearheaded, managed or implemented in the same
manner as individual or small group (i. e., department level)
change. In this presentation, you will discover:
- The elements
of successful enterprise-wide change,
- What must
be considered when planning for organization-wide change,
- Techniques
for heightening commitment and accelerating implementation,
- Your role as a change agent.
Videotape: How the Q Lost Its Tail: The
SHIFT From TQM to Total Organizational Management
(October, 1999; 60 minutes) Order
What does
it mean to create value? Why has creating value replaced improving
quality as the primary objective of today's organizations?
What is the impact of this shift in thinking from total quality
management to total organizational management? In this talk,
you will discover:
- How to
define value,
- Why creating
value is the most critical objective of today's organizations,
- What tools
and methods can be used to improve performance and ultimately
create value for consumers, employees, shareholders, and society
at large
Videotape: Improving Organizational Performance
in the Workplace of the Future
(May, 1999; 90 minutes) Order Here 
will be impacted by many forces in the next ten years. These forces
are changing the landscape of how these enterprises approach improving
their performance. In this talk you will discover:
- The five
major forces impacting the workplace of the future (CHAOS),
- How these
forces are influencing what is needed to improve organizational
performance, and
- Acomprehensive
framework for achieving and maintaining performance gains.
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